Is it easy for you, as a parent of young children, to get scatter-brained and lose track of once well planned situations? Worry no more! On the shelves of your local Christian book store, and most other book stores as well, is A Mom’s Ultimate Book of Lists. Author Michelle LaRowe has compiled lists that cover needs and situations from the very first trimester of pregnancy to the pre-school years in this comprehensive book of lists. Lists that include things to take to the hospital for the birth of your new baby, easy steps for taming tantrums, top toys for the first years, growth charts, average clothing size comparison lists, and even some fun, fast, family snack and meal recipes to try out and enjoy!
For the mom with an infant that wants to sleep train your baby, Michelle has you covered. There’s a list and instructions for sleep training your infant. Trouble with a toddler that doesn’t have a good bedtime routine? You guessed it…Mom’s Ultimate Book of Lists includes what you need to get started on a bedtime routine in the toddler years as well.
There are lists of recommended reads from pregnancy to the pre-school years, both for the parents and for the children. Lists and instructions for activities for the children, and for the whole family, are included in LaRowe’s book as well. In addition to the activities, there are tips and lists for the family traveling with infants or small children.
And just when I thought there was nothing left to cover, you will also find lists of scriptures and inspirational, uplifting thoughts and words for the mother and father, for the single parent, and for the expectant parents. With this solid foundation from the Word of God as a part of her book, Michelle LaRowe has truly given us the ULTIMATE Book of Lists. Highly recommended, and a great read as well as a wonderful resource, this book has made a wonderful addition to my shelf, and is often in my hands.
A Mom’s Ultimate Book of Lists is published by Revell, and is now available at your local Christian Book Store.