Monday, July 25, 2011

The Centurion's Wife

Leah has lost everything. Her family was disgraced, loved ones lost, and her own freedom was stripped from her in more ways than one. Pilot is her cousin, and takes her into his household in hopes that marriage to the right man will save her from her family’s disgrace. Her mistress, Pilot’s wife, is plagued by nightmares of this Jewish prophet her husband had crucified and sends Leah on a quest to find the answers to the great mystery surrounding this dead man and the sudden rumors rising that the impossible has happened. Leah finds and befriends the followers of Jesus, and in the search for her mistress’ answers begins to find some of her own…

Alban has known battle and loss in life as well as the battlefields. He aspires to rise above his situation and sees marriage to Leah, the cousin of Pilot, as an asset to his ambition. In response to his request, his prelate requires something of Alban before such union is granted. Pilot fears rebellion among the Jews, and sends Alban to reveal any such threat, and to uncover the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the body of Jesus. The truth is what he seeks, but is it something he can handle?

Bound together by betrothal, drawn together by love, and completed together in Christ Alban and Leah discover the truths they were to sent to find, Truth that changed their world, revelations that changed their lives, and could possibly bring their eventual demise.

I have always loved the books written by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn. This series, Acts of Faith, is the most recent and very moving! I highly recommend this to you all. Set in Jerusalem during Passover, their descriptions of the city, and life there are vivid and bring to life the days of Jesus, and the Roman dominance in Judea during those years. Great book! Can’t say it enough!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My shortest job ever

Well folks, I did it. I got a job here in California! Unfortunately, I had to quit said job rather quickly, due to an allergic reaction to something in the store. It was kind of upsetting, because I had been looking forward to getting this job for eight weeks now, and to have to quit on my fourth official day.......*sigh* it was bittersweet. Needless to say my eyes are starting to look and feel a little better now though. LoL!
On a brighter note, everyone in the household is starting to feel better and we can make our way back to the pool on Sean's days off once again! After Levi fell and busted his chin open, needing five stitches in it, catching a virus from the ER, sharing it with siblings, said virus shifting into new virus and going around the family a second time in a new way, me getting my little allergy thing going on, the last four weeks have NOT been boring! I'm just thankful that all is now well, and we can resume a normal schedule once again. . . . . . . . BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I just said normal, didn't I?! Well.....what's normal for me is most assuredly not normal for most people I know. It's ok. I would not change my life situation for anything in the world...because my life as it is today is definitely one of my favorite things!
On a side note, I will be posting a review of the book I am reading this week. I can't wait...I love talking about books!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Silent Governess Book Review

Olivia Keene and Lord Bradley have nothing in common, save one thing: they both hold a secret that could change everything as they know it, if this secret is revealed. In fear of losing all he has ever known, Lord Bradley kept Olivia close at hand at Brightwell Court, where she served his young niece and nephew as governess, and a recent injury rendering her temporarily mute served useful to his purpose. It would seem though that theirs is not the only knowledge of the secret, and as deception, lies, and life-threatening events unfold, Olivia and Lord Bradley find themselves in a world much smaller than they imagined, and the danger closer to home than they feared.

In the midst of the drama, Lord Bradley finds himself taken with the charming Olivia Keene, and his emotions conflict greatly between affection and suspicion. Will Lord Bradley believe his heart, or will he let suspicion dominate and risk breaking hearts and losing love? Will the truth be revealed before it is too late?

Trying to predict the ending of this book is futile, as there are many surprises at every turn from beginning to end. A story well written, The Silent Governess took me into the world of Lords and Ladies, with characters that came to life from the pages. I can’t wait to read the next one!

This book was sent to me by Bethany House Publishing for the purpose of review and can be found at most bookstores.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Book Review for Courting Morrow Little

Heartache seems to know no bounds for Morrow Little and her loved ones. Living with the pain of past tragedy and the present conflict between the Shawnee Natives and the British and American troops, the future is something Morrow not only avoids, it is something she fears. Love seems to be a distant dream shadowed by the harsh reality of her life. Or is it?

Desired by many suitors for reasons ranging from compassion to power, Morrow instead finds love in the most unlikely of situations. Just when she finds joy, love, and begins to settle her spirit, Morrow is faced with circumstances that once again rip her world apart.

A story truly inspired! Laura Frantz has written a wonderful story of forgiveness, mercy, faith, courage, and most of all love right from the heart! From chapter to chapter you will go with Morrow through adventure and trials, love and hurt, joy and fear, and find yourself sharing her emotions, and turning every page to the end.

Two thumbs up! This book was sent to me by Revell Publishing for the purpose of book review.

Friday, July 1, 2011

At Long Last!!!

I have finally returned to my blog! It has been a very VERY long year for me, and so much has happened! I cannot even begin to describe the last twelve months in one post. I will be returning to my book review posts, as well as regular blogging, for which I will create a new blog address for, but I just wanted to announce my return to my blog, my joy at the ability to return to it, and my excitement at the future posts I will be adding to it starting TODAY!!! Yay!!!
I have missed this sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!