Saturday, July 2, 2011

Book Review for Courting Morrow Little

Heartache seems to know no bounds for Morrow Little and her loved ones. Living with the pain of past tragedy and the present conflict between the Shawnee Natives and the British and American troops, the future is something Morrow not only avoids, it is something she fears. Love seems to be a distant dream shadowed by the harsh reality of her life. Or is it?

Desired by many suitors for reasons ranging from compassion to power, Morrow instead finds love in the most unlikely of situations. Just when she finds joy, love, and begins to settle her spirit, Morrow is faced with circumstances that once again rip her world apart.

A story truly inspired! Laura Frantz has written a wonderful story of forgiveness, mercy, faith, courage, and most of all love right from the heart! From chapter to chapter you will go with Morrow through adventure and trials, love and hurt, joy and fear, and find yourself sharing her emotions, and turning every page to the end.

Two thumbs up! This book was sent to me by Revell Publishing for the purpose of book review.


  1. Becca, Oh, you've blessed me so much this morning with your wonderful, heartfelt review:) So happy to see that reader who really has a way with words back to blogging again! Your profile/bio makes me smile, too. You are a wonderful reminder that we're rich in blessings and especially rich in Christ. Praying you and your littles have a wonderful day today! Thanks for making mine:)

  2. Wonderful review, Becca! I couldn't agree with you more! Both of Laura's books are at the top of my "favorite's list." :D

    :::waving at Laura:::
