Sunday, October 30, 2011

Strong Shoulders

Shoulders have many purposes. They are used when carrying heavy burdens. They are used when extending the arms any direction, as support. They are support for the neck and head in the physical body.
The shoulder is also a symbol of rest, comfort, strength. "Come, lay your head on my shoulder.", "I have strong shoulders. I'll help carry your burden."
Shoulders are often wet with tears, whether they are the tears of that person, or they have been dampened with the tears of another.
Shoulders take a lot of stress every day. They bear up under pressure.
In recent events of recent days, I am encouraged with the fact that I have a man who has strong shoulders! We have been sharing the burden together which we have been given to bear, and he has often had to lift me up on his shoulders even as he is holding his own, when I feel weak and unable to continue on. I thank God every day for Sean.
God knew what I needed when he brought Sean back into my life, and I am glad to stand with him, honored to stand beside him today! I am thankful that I am here and can use my shoulders to bear him up when he needs it as well. God is Good!

Monday, October 17, 2011

phone blogging...?

So, here i sit, on my bed at 1:25am on my cell phone, accessing and updating my blog!! hahaha! Anyway, I do have a new blog coming up when I get my computer situation taken care of...the review is on Julie Klassen's book, "The Girl in the Gatehouse." I can't wait to share with everyone my thoughts on the book, because they are none but good!! And now I am off to take care of my very unwell baby boys. All three of them have a fever, and look to be suffering some sort of flu... :-( Hugs to all!