Sunday, September 4, 2011

Music to my ears

What are some things I love the sound of?

Micah's laughter. Even when I am in the worst of moods, had a bad day, no sleep, lots of stress, and wanna scream at the world, all I have to do is get little Micah to chuckle for me and I'm ok. His smile is extremely contagious, and not only does his whole body smile with his face, but the rest of the room changes as well. His giggles and outright laughter only increase the joy of the moment. One of the richest blessings I have from God is my baby.

The wind blowing through the trees. Especially up in the sequoia mountains!! Oh, no explanation would do the sound justice. It's not loud, just a soft, whispery rustle above my head that leaves the image in my mind of an unseen blanket drifting effortlessly in the wind, over the branches of the trees, in the leaves, causing them to move ever so slightly and whisper to the ground. Ah...peaceful.

Ocean waves crashing on the beach.

Classical Music. Or any instrumental music from the Classical, Romantic, Baroque, and other periods in those eras. Rich feeling in every piece, and some that tell an amazing story from beginning to it!

The washer and dryer running. Why? Because I know they are doing my laundry for me. haha!

The sound of the children playing together. Happy noises are good noises!

Sean's voice. Enough said...

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