Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

I feel like a complete paradox. I have had one of the fastest moving, most frustrating, confusing, messed up years of my life, yet I have never been happier than I have in the last year+!
I have given birth to a wonderful LITERAL bundle of joy, become engaged to the most amazing man in my life, moved across the country, and have dealt with drama beyond anything I ever thought I would go through, both back home and here in California.
The most amazing thing about this crazy year and a half of mine is the relationship I have with my fiancee! We have gone through things that could tear a couple apart, yet we have grown closer and closer together, leaning on each other, supporting one another, working in unity, and loving deeper and deeper every day! Through all of our stress, all of the problems, and the unmentionable things we have experienced, I still know more happiness and peace than I have...ever. Together, we have been able to rise above our trials, continuing on as a family, strong in love, and blessed so much by God!
Even today, as we deal with our current issues, I feel secure in an insecure situation. I am happy that I am going through this situation WITH Sean. We encourage each other even when we ourselves are discouraged. I recall with a smile, "What do we do? We swim, swim, swim."

1 comment:

  1. That's what makes or breaks a relationship all the trials. If you learn to rely and encourage each other in in those moments that don't seem to be so great u will truly rise up and be stronger together then you have ever imagined.
